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Selecting a new instrument to accompany the congregation can be a challenge. But if your team has the same basic understanding of congregational singing and how instruments help that, the process can be much easier.

Over the years I've had the joy and struggle of being in the position of leading or helping a congregation navigate the process of selecting a new instrument that is the primary congregational accompaniment instrument. This has included both traditional style worship and contemporary. At times this has been due to a failure of an existing instrument, but also the occasion where there wasn't an existing instrument.

This process can be difficult for those with formal training in music, worship leadership, and extensive musical experience, but it could be even worse for those who are involved in the process that don't have the background or training specifically related to music and specifically to congregational singing.

In an effort to help those teams that are going through this process so that they at lease have a common understanding of some of the factors that should be considered, I've begin a new series of short videos that will walk you through some of the history and functional aspects of instruments when used to accompany congregational singing. The goal is not to give you a complete understanding of all the potential nuances of the decision process, but to give a very broad and general understanding of history, singing, and instrument.

The video is specifically focused on the process of purchasing/replacing an organ. This topic requires a discussion about the benefits of an organ - exactly why it is still a suitable tool for congregational worship, no matter the style. It also requires an understanding of the many different types of organs that are available. And it also needs to take into consideration what options are available in the new or used organ market - the brands, the styles, and the features.

If your congregation is beginning the process of replacing an instrument or is looking to enhance what you already have, this video series is designed t0 provide you with some information and some points of discussion to help make sure that you make a wise purchase for your congregation.

The video series is being released on our YouTube channel. You can subscribe there to get alerted to each video in the series as it is released, or you can sign-up to get our email updates using the Email Updates form on this page.

Watch the Introductory Video Now!